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About The Founder

Ponsiano is married to Daphine and they have a daughter called Nissi, they both live in Uganda and actively serve is a local church called Kampala Community Church in Manasafu. He has also been serving with Light Africa Ministries for over 11 years and passionate about people’s well being and serving God in various capacities.
“Traveling in the United States of America on several musical tours, I was blessed to see what is going on in the other side of the world. Of the many things I was exposed to, farming was one of them. This included rearing animals and growing various crops.
With this exposure, it pushed me harder to realize the potential Ugandans have if they are assisted in better farming methods, start-up capital, farming advice, and ready market for their produce with limited exploitation by middle-men traders.”

Together we can change the narrative

Ponsiano Wasswa

CEO Kuendeleza Africa